I finished one of my challenges today. November's Art and Soul Challenge iz to think about what color best describes you. Well, different things can change which color to choose. I decided to look into colors and what they mean to kinda get a clue so to speak. I stumbled across the colors of salvation, which I've seen a billion times and knew I'd found EXACTLY what I was looking for. Then I figured it would be cool to have pix where I'm wearing each of the colors stated. As I was looking for the right frames or cluster of frames I came across this cute little tag frame and the string of pearls. I played with a few different placements and then this whole charm bracelet thing came to mind. The journal cluster just fit nicely too I thought. I like it, hope you do too. Leave some love if so.

At first I thought of something different, but it must be the minister in me, I decided these colors are exactly what defines who I am.
Journaling readz:
I am defined by
the colors of salvation.
Black for I was lost
in the darkness of my sin.
Red because Jesus died
and shed His blood for me.
White for now I am clean
and my sins have been forgiven.
Blue because I received the
baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Green for I am growing in
my relationship with God.
Gold because I have the
promise of eternal life
walking the streets of gold.
Mcy-BlogParty-DSB freebie kit ~ Michelle Yiap
journaling cluster from the espresso cafe Write Your Own Book Sampler freebie