Well we got a call from the doctor'z office. (I actually waz on my way to the emergency room because I couldn't get any air in my lungs and couldn't even sit up I waz so weak. My dad had to carry me into the emergency room and at one point the security guard came over and asked him if I was breathing. My dad told me the next day he thought I was checking out. Turnz out I was severely dehydrated. They gave me IV fluidz and sent me home. Still can't quite figure it out since I drink water non stop all day.) So the doc'z secretary said he wanted to let me know there'z nothing to be concerned about. When I talked with her the next day, I said what do you mean nothing to be concerned about? The thing has tripled in size in a month. She reitterated it'z nothing to be concerned about just followup with the thyroid specialist. So then I asked if he thought it waz related to the thyroid - no, he doesn't know what it'z related to. And again she just said followup with the specialist. ARGH!!! But what can you do? I've just been playing with my new pen tablet. It'z so cool! I've done a few layoutz I'd like to share with you.
This first one waz for the November Template Challenge at Just For The Scrap Of It (JFTSOI). It iz my 17yo daughter. The picz are from her yearbook shoot. You can read the full creditz

Thiz next one iz from the December Snap It! Challenge at JFTSOI. It'z my reflection on my MIL'z headstone. Just something eerie about seeing your own reflection under your last name on a headstone. SCARY! My lesson learned for being careful when you can't see the preview before you shoot! You can read the full creditz

This one iz my hubby when he waz only three. He lookz so scared of Santa. I did thiz one for the Journaling Challenge at JFTSOI. View creditz
Another challenge entry. Thiz one waz done for the Trend Challenge at JFTSOI. It waz to blend. View full creditz here.

Thiz iz for the December Shape Challenge at Digital Scrapbooking (DSO). It'z my youngest daughter with Santa last year. Full creditz here.

Finally, thiz iz my first attempt at using commercial use itemz to create my own stuff. I originally did thiz layout for a challenge at JFTSOI but it waz cancelled. Anyway, it waz fun creating and I'd like to thank SweetMade, The Ephemeral Victorian and Sweet Digi Scraps for their CU itemz. Creditz can be viewed here.