Journaling readz:
In our home we have a tradition we started when the kids were very young. On
CHRISTmas morning before anything can be opened we take a small gift box and each
take turns putting a foam heart into the box. For we all know the only thing Jesus would
want from us on His birthday is our hearts. We then close the box, sing happy
birthday to Him and finish it with the chorus from come all ye faithful
which is Come Let Us Adore Him. When all that is done we place the box into
the tree branches and then and only then are the kids allowed to start
opening their stockings and presents. We also have a dinner followed by a
Birthday cake just to make sure the kids "get it". It has become my favorite
CHRISTmas tradition and hope that now as the two older children are out of
the home (not having kids for quite a while I hope) that they will continue
the tradition. Even when they come over CHRISTmas day they still ask to put
their "gift" in the box.
Kit used "Jesus is the Heart of the Season" by Leaonna Kizer of busyscrappin
Fontz used: Ellianarelle's Path (title) and BibleScrT (journaling)