Monday, June 9, 2008

Been having a hard time...

For those of you that didn't know, I lost the twinz. My body just wasn't able to handle all the changez of going off my medz and being so sick and in such pain. It iz devastating to say the least but I honestly believe it just wasn't the time. I need to finish healing before I even think about carrying a child let alone two. I've been away from my computer so much that right now I have over 2000 unread emailz and two weekz worth of bookkeeping to catch up on. Az soon az I can sift through the mail and get some motivation to "create", I'll be back. I'm still planning to finish my part of the "Ocean Friends" collab to benefit the Shriner's but other than that, I'll have to see. Thankz for all the kind wordz and prayerz, they're much appreciated. Hope to be back soon...


Scrappy Cats Designs said...

Oh sweetie, hope you get back on your feet soon. {{{HUGS}}}

Lisbet said...

I´m sorry to hear what has happened to you. But I´m glad to fins a new digiblog.

"Kreative Karma" said...

I am sorry to hear of you loss. I just wanted to come on here and wish you a happy birthday! Hope you are doing better! Praying for you!