Saturday, February 2, 2008

I have so much to share with you all

Most important of course iz the new CT I'm on. I'm so proud to be on the Scrapoholic Designs team. I had used one of Leonna'z kitz from Stone Accent Studios Design Contest to do a LO (the one posted in my last post) and she posted the LO on her site. Which you can visit here. She iz so talented and such a great friend. She announced that she was joining with another designer and they were looking for some people to join their CT. I emailed her and she actually said she had been thinking about asking me anyway!!! How cool is that. I truly am honored. So I guesz I should show you the LO'z I've been doing lately. There are a couple. But before I get to those I wanted to let you all know that I saw the thyroid specialist and the nodule iz so small he won't even do a biopsy yet. I go for another ultrasound in April. The masz appearz to just be muscular due to the spasmz in my neck from the car accident. WHEW!!! That'z a relief. So for now all iz well on the health chartz and I've managed to gain 23 poundz since increasing the caloriez to 3500-4000 a day. GO ME!!! I know, soundz weird right, but at 5'7" and only weighing 118 I looked terrible. 141 iz much better! On a kinda sad note my oldest daughter haz left the nest. She won't be 18 until April but she really wanted to go and her friend'z family were more than happy to take her in. (She didn't get along with my hubby (her step-dad) too well and we decided she'd be leaving soon anyway so we let her go early.) I sat down with the parentz and all their curfewz and bedtimez and rulez and chorez etc. seemed the same az ourz so I figured it waz time to let her fly. She still callz me every morning and sayz I love you, have a great day. She also posted a comment on my myspace "I'll love you for forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my mommy you'll be." It brought me to tearz. OK enough of the drabble, here'z the LOz: (Just click on the pic to be taken to the full creditz.)

There'z also two quickpagez I did for the challenge at JFTSOI so here they are:

That'z it for now, but stay posted. I'm working on more! Don't forget to leave some love. Be blessed!


Jessie said...

Great LO's Congrats on your new Team!

Lynn Grieveson said...

Congrats on the CT! (And hope it works out well for you DD)

Robin L said...

Congrats on the new CT. Very lovely los and qps. Keep up the great work with gaining wieght.

Nexa (Jessica) said...

Hi Donna!!
First, I LOVE your lo's look so great, all of them!!
second, I'd love for you to send me a bio layout for the presentation page of our CT.. the address for our site is Http:// please go over there and click Our Ct to see examples of some of the other CT memebers bio lo's, and sen me yours to publish asap, we wanna show you off ;o)
Hugs, Jessica/Scrapoholic Designs

Nexa (Jessica) said...

HI there Donna!
OMG you're so talented, I'm so happy you're in our CT.. it's an honor!
I just wanted you to know I've added the horsey kits in the CT account, but please grab the freebie on our blog so you get the items that are not included in the kit too..
Hugs, Jessica@ Scrapoholic designs