Sunday, November 11, 2007

Two Layouts Today

Well, I'm still resting on the couch. The girlz are home. Boy do I miss them when they're gone! I didn't make it to church today. That'z like the first time in several monthz but I just couldn't think about sitting in that pew with the amount of pain I'm in. So I just laid back and played. The downside of using the laptop on the couch is the wireless connection getz interruped every time the phone rings. I tried so many times to upload filez only to be disconnected. FRUSTRATING!!! And most of my scrappin stuff is on the pc so I'd lose access to that az well. It wasn't until just a short while ago that I remembered I had an extra dsl cord that would reach from the other room. I've been on thiz couch since Friday afternoon and just now remembered the cord! The medz must be better than I thought!LOL Well, despite the delayz and disconnectz I managed to get two layoutz done. The first was a quick page for the November Quick Page Exchange at Just For The Scrap Of It. I used Brandi West's A Haunting We Will Go Mega Kit. Here's the preview:

Click here for full creditz.

And I also did a layout of My Earth Angel using the Earth Angel Page Kit by Andrea Boyers of Boyerville Scraps. One day my daughter and I decided to take picturez all over the city. Thiz iz one from the cemetary. Thiz tree actually growz parallel with the ground. Az soon az I saw the word art in thiz kit I knew exactly which picture I wanted to use with it. Click here for full creditz.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, I hope you get to feeling better! Those must be some good meds if you're forgetting things like that cord! Take care, Gal, and I LOVE that LO!!